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Showing posts from January, 2021

Omoi, Omoware, Furi, Furare (Love Me, Love Me Not) Live Action Review [2020]

Hello everyone! So, it's been a while since I wrote a review in this blog😅 a lot of things happen, as we know. But, yeah, today I'm going to review a Japanese live action review which got a lot of hypes in my country, in my opinion. This is because when the trailer was out, I saw so many reactions and comments from people. The live action movie is Omoi, Omoware, Furi, Furare (2020).  (I will insert the official website of the movie here and info from AsianWiki here .) This movie is based on manga by Io Sakisaka. Sakisaka-sensei is one of my favourite mangaka, so I was beyond excited when I read the news that this manga will be turned into live action movie! I love the manga a lot. Moreover, when I knew the casts, I was so happy that Minami Hamabe will play the role of Akari Yamamoto. Well, I've hoped (and imagined) that she will be Akari and she is. There are four main casts. They are Akari Yamamoto, Yuna Ichihara, Rio Yamamoto and Kazuomi Inui.    The story follows Yun...