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Japanese Dramas I Watched Recently

Hello, everyone! As the title suggests, these are my thoughts on dramas I watched recently. These aren't recent winter or spring dramas; I'm a slow watcher (is that the correct word?😂), that's why I watch dramas or movies which aren't newly released. But if you're interested in watching these titles or never watch them before, you can check my opinions😊

1. Riding A Unicorn (Yunikon ni Notte)

Native Title: ユニコーンに乗って

Director: Takahiro Aoyama, Takayoshi Tanazawa, Masahide Izumi

Writer: Haruka Okita

Cast: Mei Nagano, Hidetoshi Nishijima, Yosuke Sugino, Ryota Bando, etc.

Episodes: 10

Release Date: July 5 - September 6, 2022

Genres: Business, Life, Drama, Romance

Sana Narukawa (Mei Nagano) is a young CEO of startup company, Dream Pony. Because of her experience in the past, she tries to provide education that can be accessed by everyone all over the world. Although Dream Pony was a success at the beginning, the company faces many obstacles. One of the solutions that can be made is hiring new people to freshen the idea of the apps. The company hires programmer Kaito and middle aged man Satoshi Kotori (Hidetoshi Nishijima). Through the company and the people around her, Sana grows as a person.

(Mei Nagano as Sana Narukawa)

(Hidetoshi Nishijima as Satoshi Kotori)

(Yosuke Sugino as Ko Suzaki)

I watched the first four episodes of this drama in August 2022, but stopped and I ask myself why it took me so long to finish this one because this drama is so good. Through this drama we can see a glimpse on what a startup company is like. Why do I say 'a glimpse'? It's because it's not fully shown. We see how Dream Pony was founded and then the time jumps to a few years later. The company's growth isn't fully shown in very detail. But I get it because we can learn a bit about startup companies, yet we won't get headaches if we watch this drama. I hope you understand my point😂 and I'm happy with that.

(The cozy atmosphere in Dream Pony)

Dream Pony is literally a dream company for every worker. The atmosphere, the office, the colleagues, they are very positive and support each other. I love seeing the friendship and the closeness between the characters. They're like a real family. I also love the characters' growths. How they grow as a person through the problems they are facing. Hardworking and reckless Sana, calm and patient Ko, wise Kotori-san. I love them all. Another thing I notice is how great the fashion in this drama, especially Sana. She dresses casually but she stands out at the same time. Her style is so effortlessly stylish.

I would say that Riding A Unicorn is a drama that focuses more on business aspects and life lessons rather than romance. So if you want to watch this drama, I suggest you lower your expectations on romance. There is romance. From the beginning, Ko Suzaki (Yosuke Sugino) falls for Sana. Ko helps Sana from day one and always be on her side no matter what. But there are situations that make Sana neglect her feelings. And also, there is Satoshi Kotori, a middle aged man that helps Sana and other people in the company a lot. Ko and Kotori-san are the walking green flags lol. Even Kotori is much older than her, for me it's ok because Kotori-san is so gentle and kind. Between Ko and Kotori-san, I'm glad for Sana's choice. Because I think they are perfect for each other. But like I said, romance is rarely discussed. So, if you're looking for a business drama with great characters, you might love this one. (My rating: 4/5⭐️)

(Who will Sana choose? Ko or Kotori-san?)

2. Gohoubi Gohan (Reward Meal)
Cast: Hinako Sakurai, Yuki Furukawa, Sae Okazaki, etc.
Episodes: 12
Release Date: October 3 - December 19, 2021
Genres: Food, Slice of Life

I was looking for a drama that can stimulate my appetite so I gave this one a try.

Sakiko Ikeda (Hinako Sakurai) is a newbie in a stationary company. She struggles to keep up with the work. In order to encourage herself, she rewards herself by eating good meals every week. Sakiko goes to interesting restaurants and cooks delicious meals for herself.

I'm glad I watched this. The food looks very delicious and mouthwatering. Sakiko is not only eating Japanese foods, but she explores other cuisines like Taiwanese and Korean cuisines. Other than the food, this drama also has life lessons like how to deal with work life and friendship. It's a light drama and the episode's duration is short too (it's about 25 minutes). (My rating: 3,8/5⭐️)

3. Ore no Kawaii wa Mousugu Shohikigen!? (My Cuteness Is About to Expire!?)

Native Title: 俺の可愛いはもうすぐ消費期限!?
Director: Takehiko Shinjo, Yuji Nakamae, Kazuki Tobita
Writer: Shigenori Tanabe
Cast: Ryosuke Yamada, Kyoko Yoshine, Arata Furuta, Kenjiro Tsuda, etc.
Episodes: 9
Release Date: April 16 - June 11, 2022
Genres: Comedy, Romance, Fantasy

29-year-old Kosuke Maruya (Ryosuke Yamada) is an employee in the sales department of a beer company. Because of his cute look, he was popular among women and people around him. However, he accidentally realises that his cuteness is about to expire soon. Meanwhile, in the company, Kosuke Maruya is being a trainer to Izumi Sanada (Kyoko Yoshine), who is transferred from the research department. Izumi Sanada is a quiet woman who feels inferior because of her past experiences.

(Kyoko Yoshine as Izumi Sanada and Ryosuke Yamada as Kosuke Maruya)

Let me tell you, I love this drama so much. I don't know why I didn't watch it as soon as it was released. But I'm glad I finished watching this. This drama has a balanced amount of comedy, romance, cuteness and life lessons. 

The comedy is not cringey; it's hilarious🤣 and the way Ryosuke Yamada portrays his role and doing those comedy scenes, it's just that good and makes me laugh. In my opinion, Kosuke is not full of himself, or selfish. He can see the goodness in others and protects people around him. He breaks his bias towards people and starts seeing the good traits other people have. He can make people feel good about themselves. Kosuke also makes Izumi Sanada become a better person. He protects Izumi and really cares about her. I smiled and was glad when the two started dating; they are perfect together🥰 and their interaction, it's just so good and cute! Bubbly and sunshine Kosuke Maruya is a perfect match for quiet Izumi Sanada. They are not really grumpy x sunshine since Izumi isn't grumpy, she is more of a quiet woman due to her past experiences. 

But because of a conflict, Kosuke and Izumi's relationship faces a hard time. Luckily they solve the problem. The ending for me is good. I like the ending, but I don't love it. So I give it 4/5⭐️ 


Okay, I think that's all for today. Have you watched any of these dramas? I'd love to hear your opinion on the comments😊 see you next time!💗

#JapaneseDramas #RidingAUnicorn #YunikonniNotte #ユニコーンに乗って #GohoubiGohan #RewardRice #MyCutenessIsAbouttoExpire #OrenoKawaiiwaMousuguShohikigen #俺の可愛いはもうすぐ消費期限!?


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